Direct Representation
Lavender provides legal representation for LGTBQ+ people. Through representation, we work to address the disproportionate rates of poverty and violence in the LGBTQ+ community by assisting in issues that cause and effect these inequities. Lavender serves LGBTQ+ individuals who are Iowa residents. Representation is prioritized for those with low income and our LGBTQ+ youth. Common cases that Lavender takes are:​
Family recognition (including adoptions and guardianships)
Name and gender marker changes
Last will and testament
Advance directives (living wills and durable power of attorney)
Education and youth issues
Trans Health Care
Many of our legal services are provided statewide. We offer legal services on a sliding fee scale based on reported income from our clients, although this fee has been eliminated for many of our direct representation services. Read more.
Lavender's advocacy work includes anything that does not fit into direct representation or referrals. From collaborating with other institutions and organizations, to providing education and resources for families, Lavender thinks outside the box to better the lives of LGBTQ+ people.
Looking for an attorney? Housing? Mental health services? Lavender provides referrals in these areas and more when we are not able to directly offer a specific service. Please consider contacting the legal organizations listed below. For other resources, please see our resource page or contact our office.
Civil Rights
Legal Assistance and Education
4th Amendment Rights (education)
DISCLAIMER: The businesses, services and organizations are listed as a service to the LGBTQ+ community. Lavender Legal Center makes no promises or guarantees about the accuracy or quality of the services being offered. The community is encouraged to carefully review the organizations listed, or otherwise provided, before making a decision about utilizing any listed services.