Nonprofit Legal Services
Lavender Legal Center provides legal representation and related advocacy by and for LGBTQ+ people.
Lavender provides direct representation, advocacy, and referrals, with a priority for serving those with low income and our LGTBQ+ youth. As LGBTQ+ people continue to experience disproportionate rates of poverty and violence, Lavender works to address the root causes of these issues through compassionate legal representation. We strive to provide a safe space for everyone in the LGBTQ+ community to access legal representation and related advocacy. Lavender is here to make sure that to the extent possible, the legal system does not serve as a barrier to those in the LGBTQ+ community.

You may notice we include "+" at the end of LGBTQ. Why the “+”?
The LGBTQ acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning. The plus sign holds space for inclusion of a range of very diverse gender and sexual identities that continues to expand as our language and understanding expands. For example, the plus sign serves to include intersex, asexual, pansexual, and two-spirited people. As with two spirited people, we also acknowledge that gender and sexual identities may be culturally related. Furthermore, our intention is to include those identities of which we do not yet have knowledge. There are also regional differences in how the acronym is expressed, and we are hopeful that the plus sign will make all feel welcome and seen.
The History of Lavender
Iowa has some phenomenal initiatives focused on policy change, civil rights, education, and social support—all for the advancement of LGBTQ+ equality. Yet there was a gap: no organization was devoted to providing direct, specialized services to people in the LGBTQ+ community. For example, trans youth who needed a name that conformed to their gender identity and LGBTQ+ couples who needed help in adopting a child had nowhere to turn that was both accessible and outwardly safe. Executive Director, Attorney, and Founder, Kendra Weston, had already been reflecting on this concept for a couple of years, but the turbulence and proceeding pain of 2020 became the impetus to begin this new endeavor. Upon seeing there was no specialized legal assistance for the community, she founded Lavender Legal Center in October 2020.

"Man, I thought you would just email me a PDF, but you actually talked to me! And then helped me! It hasn't felt like anyone was in my corner until now."
“I just really appreciate all the guidance/suggestions you gave me on the phone. I felt really heard and understood and cared for and that was so valuable to me. I’m so grateful for your service and just wanted to say thank you!”
“I was so scared to go to an attorney, but also didn’t know where to start by myself. I didn’t know what to do. Then, I found you. Thank you for speaking to me. I feel so much better just talking to you.”
“I just want to thank you. We’ve been putting this off for so long. Ya know? We’ve been scared about the process in general. This just feels so safe. I wouldn’t be comfortable anywhere else. You get it. Because you’re us.”
“...you’re the first person to reach back out willing to help and I’m very grateful for that!”
“I am so so thankful for your representation. You have made such a rough time more manageable. I will be letting my LGBTQIA family know what wonderful, professional representation Lavender Legal provides.”